Международное сотрудничество Комитета по связи и информатизации Ленинградской области

04 сентября 2017 года Комитет по связи и информатизации Ленинградской области принял участие в открытии четвертой международной конференции «ЭЛЕКТРОННОЕ УПРАВЛЕНИЕ И ОТКРЫТОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО: ВЫЗОВЫ ЕВРАЗИИ»
Текст приветственного слова
Dear colleagues!
On behalf of the Leningrad Region Committee of Communications and Information Technologies, I welcome you to the 4th International Conference "Electronic Governance and Open Society: Challenges in Eurasia".
This year the Leningrad Region celebrated its ninetieth anniversary. During the preparation for this big event, a lot of analytical work, including social survey, was carried out. And it was shown that the establishment of the information society is actively going on in the region.
Thus, at the present time, one of the priority areas of the government work is organizing the electronic interaction between people and government. First and foremost, it concerns the provision of state and municipal services in electronic form. As you know, this direction was set up by the President of Russia in May 2012. And this is due to the fact that, firstly, electronic form makes the state services highly available for citizens in order to improve the quality of doing business and life in general. Secondly, it minimizes the probability of corruption cases and reduces administrative barriers for the business development and investment activities in the region.
Coming closer to the practice, the implementation of this global task required large-scale, versatile activities, such as:
• changing the internal way of the administrative system functioning;
• informing and teaching the citizens the new ways of interacting with the government;
• creation the facilities which are necessary for life in the information society, for example, centers of registration for the digital signature.
• and many other activities were performed in this way.
It is encouraging that the topics covered by the conference program fully correspond to the priority tasks in the public administration system work. Hopefully, within the next three days such a competent scientific community will give an opinion and work out the recommendations for the progressive development and establishment of the information society.
I wish you good luck in the conference, as well as interesting ideas and engaging discussions!
Thank you!